Monday 1 October 2012

Jobs For October

The cold weather has started to set in.

It’s misty in the mornings and usually cold and damp until the sun breaks through.

October is a time for harvest and tidying up.

Don’t be too neat though – why not leave the odd Sunflower head for the birds. They’ll appreciate it.

Flower Garden
  • Lift and store pelargoniums if necessary
  • Protect early flowering chrysanthemums from frost
  • Finish bringing in late flowering chrysanthemums
  • Clear out summer annuals
  • Plant any newly purchased perennials and divide existing perennials
  • Continue planting out biennials and spring flowering bulbs
  • Plant Lily-of-the valley
  • Sow sweet peas
  • Thin annual seedlings

  • Pot on young plants
  • Collect seed from allium seedheads and sow straight away into seed compost
  • Plant evergreen shrubs and conifer hedges
  • Carefully dig up gladioli corms and overwinter in cool, dry storage conditions
  • Lift and pot up tender perennials to protect over winter
  • Collect fallen leaves from under rose bushes so they don't carry diseases over to next year
  • Lift and divide congested clumps of perennials
  • Plant crocuses and dwarf bulbs in areas of rough grass
  • Make sure tall, late-flowering chrysanthemums are well staked
  • Divide large clumps of crocosmia and replant into freshly prepared soil
  • Spread a thick mulch of compost or bark over the soil around dahlias and agapanthus
Veggie Garden
  • Bring in the last vegetables for storage before the frosts. These include: Onions, Apples, Potatoes and Carrots
  • Sow some more green manure in empty ground
  • Plant more Tulip bulbs for next spring
  • Sow some winter Lettuce, such as Arctic King, in the greenhouse or cold frame
  • Leave some Runner Beans and French Beans on the plant to dry so that you can collect the seed
  • Plant Garlic and Spring Cabbage
  • Sow outdoor Broad beans and Peas now for a crop in early spring
  • Feed Brussels Sprouts and Winter Cabbage now to encourage them on in time for Christmas
  • Pot up some Parsley, Chives and Mint to use over the winter – dig up and discard annuals such as Coriander and Dill
  • Tidy up your Strawberry patch by removing any yellow leaves and the last runners
  • Keep harvesting root veg such as beetroot and carrots
  • Order fruit trees and bushes for planting from late autumn
  • Finish picking beans, but leave a few pods to ripen fully to save their seed
  • Clear away plants and fading foliage from old crops
  • Prune back canes of autumn-fruiting raspberries and blackberries after harvesting

  • Harvest ripening tomatoes and courgettes before conditions turn cold
  • Plant out Japanese onion sets and garlic
  • Plant broad beans and hardy peas
  • Sow sweet peas and pinch out the growing tips of seedlings for bushier plants
  • Continue harvesting chillies, peppers and other crops
  • Reduce watering potted tuberous begonias to allow the top growth to die down
  • Bring pots of tender bulbs like agapanthus and eucomis into the greenhouse for the winter
  • Let achimene, gloxinia and gloriosa die down in their pots
  • Keep potted azaleas constantly moist using rainwater
  • Plant bowls with hyacinths and spring bulbs
  • Check greenhouse heaters are in working order and that you have fuel in stock
  • Pot up roots of lily-of-the-valley to provide fragrant winter flowers
  • Sow hardy annuals, like calendulas, in pots for early flowers
Around the Garden
  • Clean out bird boxes
  • Level out dips in lawns with loam-based compost and sow fresh grass seed
  • Clear away debris that could be sheltering slugs and snails
  • Check bonfires before lighting, in case they are sheltering sleeping hedgehogs
  • Send off for seed catalogues
  • Mow lawns during dry weather with blades set high
  • Bring garden hoses and sprinklers under cover for winter to avoid damage in freezing weather
  • Collect canes and plant supports, and store them in the shed
  • Sow a green manure crop over bare areas of ground, to dig into the ground as fertiliser in spring
  • Throw a net over branches of holly berries to protect them from hungry birds

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