Friday 6 April 2012

Photo round-up for April

Some photographs of some of the plants in my garden that are really doing well at the moment.
They are in alphabetical order because that's how they are arranged in my photo album!
The first image is one of my (many) Azaleas - they add lovely early colour to the garden

This is an early flowering Clematis - a lovely shade of blue. It grows over the archway into the back garden.

Flame of the forest - this year it has more flowers than ever - it also has lovely bright red leaves at this time of year.
Forget-Me-Not - Lovely leaves and tiny blue flowers.
The Heathers have been in flower for ages and always do well - they don't mind snow, hail, frost or anything that British winters may throw at them - they still come back smiling!
The Hellebores are now beginning to go past their best - but they fill the garden with early subtle colour - they don't mind growing in shady places either!
The Magnolia Stellata has had more flowers this year than it ever has - I think it has finally decided it likes it here!
Another of my Magnolias doing well - sadly when the weather changed from unseasonably warm to freezing cold, some of the buds were browned by the frost.

I bought these little geraniums as plug plants and potted them on into larger pots. They were about an inch tall when they were repotted but now they have tripled in size. Looking forward to some lovely bright colour in the garden in summer!

These Primroses have been in the garden for years, they have been split, reshuffled, replanted and still flower beautifully.

These Tulips were planted in the autumn - the ones I am really waiting to see are my new parrot tulips that were planted at the same time.

I really didn't expect my wallflowers to flower this year as they were only planted in the autumn - however another years growth will make them spectacular!

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