Wednesday 2 November 2011

Jobs for November

You might think that the gardening season is drawing to a close now but you’d be wrong! It’s actually the beginning of the season because you can start to plant some crops for next season such as Garlic, Peas and Broad beans. Garlic needs a period of cold so make sure to get some in the ground now in time for the first frosts.

Flower Garden

    • Finish planting spring bulbs
    • Cut back chrysanthemums and put in the greenhouse if necessary
    • Cloche Christmas roses

  • Protect tender plants from frost
  • Cut back herbaceous plants
  • Stop (pinch out the top shoot) autumn sown sweet peas
  • If your soil is free draining plant out rooted cuttings of carnations and pinks

Veggie Garden

  • Plant garlic
  • Plant new fruit trees and prune existing wall-trained fruit
  • Sow Broad beans and Peas. Broad beans and Peas can go straight in the ground in the UK at this time of year. Put a cloche or some fleece over them just to get them going. In colder places put a sturdy cover over them if you’re expecting a hard frost. They will grow slowly over the winter and then put a spurt on it in early spring and be the first ones to fruit. You need to sow overwintering varieties, for example, Aquadulce for Broad beans and Douce Provence for Peas.

  • Dig heavy soils and leave in clumps for the frost to break down
  • Pick off any yellow leaves from Brussels Sprouts
  • Harvest winter Cabbage, Leeks and Parsnips
  • Lift Chicory and Rhubarb for forcing. Rhubarb crowns should be at least three years old
  • Bring in the last of the dried beans such as Runner and French

General garden Jobs

  • Wash your pots and seeds trays thoroughly in soapy water.
  • Clean and oil your tools

  • Order some seed catalogues
  • Check your guttering and water butt
  • Also, this is the time to be looking at the bulbs you’re forcing for Christmas to be sure that they get the right conditions to be in bloom on Christmas Day, whether that’s greenhouse, cold frame, airing cupboard or just a couple more weeks under the stairs.

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