Sunday 31 July 2011

Tomato Feeding Time

My Tomatoes are doing well. In spite of the mixed weather they are starting to set fruit. I have five plants they are all outdoor varieties.
All my Tomatoes are on a south-facing wall and so far they are growing like crazy.

I have never tried this variety before (“Tomazing”) – so it will be interesting to see how they get on.
All the plants are in huge tubs and stand on a tray above a trough of water – each tub has a piece of capillary matting so that the water can be drawn out of the trough, through the matting and into the soil in each tub. The theory is that the tomatoes should not be without water – so you get better tomatoes.
Will it work? Who knows?
All I know is - that with small Tomatoes starting to form, it’s time to start feeding them (with Tomato feed) and crossing my fingers for fresh Tomato pasta at the end of August.

I’m already making plans to use the tomatoes to make Bolognese sauces etc ready to put in the freezer. Any one got any good recipes to make use of all these tomatoes?

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